Dear Friends, greetings!
For those of you who are of the Dutch persuasion, we have experienced the Chilean version of our beloved "chicken barbeque". For the nondutchies out there, a "chicken barbeque" would be a fund raising event in which you buy a ticket and pick up a sack with: half a barbequed chicken, a baked potato, coleslaw, iced tea, and some kind of sweet. Well, here they have "curantos" and this curanto was to benefit the rowing team. You get a mesh bag stuffed with clams of all types, pieces of roasted chicken, sausage, and beef, and some, well, I'll call them mystery dumplings. Then you also get some cilantro based sauce to spoon into the clam shells before you slurp the meat out. Quite an experience.
This weekend we're going to Puerto Oktay with the rowing team as chaperones on a camping trip. Should be good times, it's always nice to impose a fast on our bedbugs. Yes, they are still viciously turning me into a human smorgesborg. Hey, it could become a new fad diet, Lose weight through Blood Loss!!
What more? We're still living in the same place, but have added some door locks to shared areas of the house, and miraculously, it keeps people out! Huzzah!
Just finished "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis, and "A Passage to India" by E.M. Forester. If you've read them, I'd like to know your impressions. Tomorrow I start "Pilgrim's Progress", a volumn I'm embarassed to be reading for the first time.
Yes well, blessings friends, May God be with you!!!!!