To My Most Amiable Readers....
The due date has come and gone, and yet my little Chilean/American baby has yet to emerge from its habitat-of-the-moment. I think he/she likes it in there....lots of stretching out with its little feet propped up on my rib cage, lots of bouts of hick-ups to enjoy, and sucking in some ABC (already been chewed) food through its nifty belly straw. Maybe I need to start eating some disagreeable stuff so that it'll get the hint and head out. har har har
In other news, Edison went flying off the swing at the park and got a whole face full of scrapes. How manly. Also manly are his new calzoncitos (underpants), and he's starting to get the hang of things in the potty department, sans poo, THAT he tends to deposit in his "man pants".
Well, that's all for now...please keep me in prayer for good health and a safe/wonderful delivery and safety for the baby : ).
Your Most Devoted,