I'd heard many stories of people being attacked on the staircase, as the dense foliage on either side can conceal robbers who "pop out of nowhere". Though I was always alert and cautious using the staircase, I never actually felt in danger. The sun shines through the tall trees on either side, and usually Sophia and Edison loudly count off the steps in either Spanish or English to pass the time. My greatest concern was just making sure neither of them took a tumble down the unforgiving concrete steps.
Yesterday I climbed up the stairs with Sophia in mid-afternoon; on our way to a ballet end-of-the-year ceremony. Halfway up, three young men came walking out of the foliage to my left, which startled me, but I just made certain to make eye contact with each one as if to say I see you, I'll remember your face so don't even think about it. I was glad to reach the ballet school without incident.
After the ceremony, I felt that I should ask my friend Daniela if she was driving straight home, and if so, if she would drop us off (they live close to us). She heartily agreed and proceeded to invite us over for coffee so our little ones could play together. We had a wonderful time.
Today I was told that after the ballet ceremony, one of the male students went walking down the staircase (where Sophia and I would have been if we hadn't gone with Daniela), and was attacked, stabbed, and robbed by an unknown number of assailants. He is doing fine; the wound was not serious, praise God!
I don't know of course whether they would have attacked me, Sophia being with me, but if they would stab someone just to steal, I can't imagine they'd have many scruples to begin with. Either way, I thank God that he led us away from that area and that he protected the young man from serious harm.
Thanks for your continued prayers for our family!