Starting months ago, I prayed a simple prayer concerning the then upcoming Nationals: "Lord, let whatever we do be a joy to Yoya (my doubles partner), Felipe (our trainer, above), our team, to me, and to Him (that we would honor Him with our attitudes and perseverance). He more than answered those prayers!! We won second place (silver) in the women's lightweight doubles!!! This was a victory in so many ways. Personally, it was a victory over fear...(the enemy is constantly barraging me with little nuggets like "you'll never make it", "you're going to quit, it hurts too much", "who are you fooling rowing at your age?"). It was a victory for our club and a joy for them, as our medals were the only ones our club brought home this year. It was a victory against prejudice (we competed against two strong clubs from Valdivia which, basically, never lose and know it). The girls we raced against included an Olympian and three National Selects (rowers invited to international competitions). It was a victory for our trainer, Felipe, who invested in our technique and has taught me from my first tentative trip out in a boat. It was a victory. Praise God.
Us in the last grueling 500 meters. We are the green boat.
Right after. Wiped out and totally, giggly happy.