To my most amiable readers:
After you've gotten over my magnificent pun you may proceed...hahaha. At rowing due to the choppy sea we have been inside working on weights. After three rounds of a twenty-station circuit where you do forty lifts in each one (interspersed with a mere eighty crunches and other horrid activities), one feels rather...good, actually. Sore, but good.
Winter has started in earnest, rain sheeting down outside (and dripping down inside, my buckets are handy), and the wind pounding and whipping around. In this fair weather Dustin and Mike set off on an impromptu (they had twenty minutes notice) trip to an island an hour and a half from here. An acquaintance, not a believer, invited them to come meet his family out on the island, which is home to roughly 3,000. Mainly nominally Catholic, the island has "five people who aren't like us", which by this he meant Christians. The island was settled completely by the Spaniards and has a very different feel than the mainland. There's no electric, but three buses and internet access...but I digress. What I wish to express is this; there are so many islands like this, so many places that don't have dedicated followers of Christ to show them The Way, The Truth, and The Life. We are in prayer for what our part can be in sharing with the families on this island, hand-in-hand with praying for more workers in the harvest field. Do you wish to share Christ's plan of redemption here?
Your Devoted, Sarah
did you make any pizza...cause if you did i am so there!
If you ever use that pun again...i will be forced to put Chile on 'you have been warned' list!
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