Why such a soggy Dustin?? Well, for some reason, our chimney pipe overheated or imploded or something, and as I sat in our kitchen of an evening, I smelled something "funny". Thinking I had perhaps put the clothes drying rack too close to our woodstove, I went to check, only to see a flickering brightness near our ceiling.

It took a second from seeing the flames jutting out across the ceiling till in my mind's eye the whole house was a fireball...but I did manage to yell for Dustin that our ceiling was apparently on fire. He sent me to go find Mike, our coworker who lives above our apartment, whose windows look out onto our roof. So, grabbing Edison (Sophia being seated safely out of harm's way) I ran outside and into their home, dashing into their living room (with a noticeable lack of decorum), looking to see if our roof was ablaze. Their living room was filling with smoke but I couldn't see any flames. Not finding Mike, I dumped Edison in their eight-year old's arms and dashed to their kitchen to find a pot to dump water with. Spotting an enamel stockpot which was dutifully soaking some utensils and dishes, I fished them out (more of that aforementioned lack of decorum here), and took the pot, potato chunks and all, and flung the dishwater out over the roof, hearing much sizzling and commotion below, as Dustin was in the process of throwing water up at the ceiling

Such adventures we have. They make for good laughs after the fact. Like our hotpot bursting into flames, leaving hot melted plastic and a scorched table in its wake. Or the time Dustin was away in the mountains and the fierce wind wrenched one of our windows open in the middle of the night, making me think someone was in the house, and I the only one to protect us! And of course in rowing, my tales are endless...curious sea lions, huge waves, boat traffic, amorous fishermen!
Not every day is startling or jarring, but the adventures are never few nor far between!

Your Most Devoted,
Wow! Quite the excitement you had:) It seems like there is never such a thing as a dull moment at the house!!! Great word description; you definately created the perfect mental picture of the event!
Hey sara this is Austin. We have a rook appointment soon. Im gonna call soon be prepared.
I am so glad the Lord protected your family in this latest adventure. Praise God no one was hurt!!
Mom G. shared in church this am about your roof and I just had to read this blog for myself. Trust in God and in the natural instincts He gave you and you'll be fine. I know that window thing, though. I came home late from work one night, kids in tow, and the screen window was knocked out of my kitchen window and the window was opened. I had opened the window myself, but I hadn't removed the screen. Well, I locked the kids in the car and performed a most thorough search of the premises. I was scared near to death, but with every opened door and with every "cleared" area I learned to trust God for protection and trust myself to know what to do if I had encountered someone. I had chosen to walk around with my cell phone in hand, already dialed 911 and only needing to push send. Those adrenaline rush encounters are quite brutal! Praise God that your damage seems to be minimal, but I will pray for your protection throughout the rest of the winter.
you are so funny sarah!!
and i am so glad i can go out with you rowing to combat those''huge waves,sea lions,and amorous fishermen! [heehee;good one!]
you know its crazy but i hadnt any idea the fire was so serious!!
i'm so glad it wasnt worse....
well gotta go!
love you a ton sarah!
God bless
Sounds like you had quite the adventure!
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