What did Mommy make this time?? Asian wraps....tuna tossed with spring onions, soy sauce, and wasabi; all embraced by baby spinach

and tortillas....ginger sesame noodles....and fresh kiwi, por supuesto! Being always the family photographer, I turned the camera around on me and had some fun. We just got back from "once", which is a late dinner, at our Ecuadoran neighbors house. Sophia joined a massive pillow fight while we sipped down coffee shakes and empanadas. With coffee in my system, there's either laying in bed wide awake or writing disjointed blogs at 1:51 in the morning. I chose the latter, lucky you. Hee hee. Blessings!
Your Most Devoted, Highly Caffeinated,
Very nice pictures Sarah i can only imagine the picture of you leaning over a bit, that as soon as the camera clicked it, you broke into uncontrollable laughter at which point Dustin walked in and said: "Dude, what are you doing?" and you couldn't explain cause you were laughing to hard at which point Dustin went back to the internet... :)
Oddly accurate....you still have your russian spy gear don't you.....
imagine that...Sarah taking pictures of herself...lucky it's your own camera this time. Otherwise I don't think other people would be as leniant as I was back in the day.
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