"Um...do you mind? This is embarrassing enough, thank you very much." In our rare day at home we have been trying to teach Edison the ins and outs of underpants (literally speaking) and what a potty is for. The one time he was successful in peeing in his "turtle potty" he ended up spraying me, the floor, and who knows where else as he hasn't quite mastered the whole concept of "pee-pee down".

What can you do with a worn-out momma? For those who have been bugging me for a photo of my pregnant self, I send an authentic one: Sarah tired out from folding laundry. Why Dustin took this I know not.

Ah, evidence. This is why I often seem distracted if I'm talking to you online. Why they insist on squeezing themselves down by my feet, I cannot say; I must just be super fun. Ha ha. Lastly here's a picture of my little ballerina before we left this morning for ballet. Dustin was supposed to be home from Isla. Chiduapi this afternoon, but due to fierce winds is stranded on the island, possibly until tomorrow : (. Please pray for his safe return.
Your Most Devoted, Sarah
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