I'm in the home stretch and boy, is it noticeable! You know things are nearing conclusion when the maternity shirts don't quite cover the protruding belly anymore. This makes me quite self-conscious when going down escalators: "Hey look everyone, my belly!"
At present Dustin is up in the Andes for four days on a mission trip. If this baby decides to show up, the only way to get a hold of him would be to call the radio station up there and have them make an announcement that hopefully he'd hear or someone would tell him about. I must admit that it's really hard for me right now when he travels for days at a time. Mostly its just physical exhaustion in my eight-months along state; I live for naptime and bedtime when I can stretch out and doze. The other part is just downright emotional...I don't have my tag-team partner to lean on when Edison has peed on the floor...again and again, or Sophia cries about picking up her toys. It's hard to be a one-parent family; I can't imagine how single parents cope!
Thankfully, this is Dustin's last trip before the baby, so I've just got to get through this week without going nuts ; ).
Your Most Devoted, Sarah