I'm in the home stretch and boy, is it noticeable! You know things are nearing conclusion when the maternity shirts don't quite cover the protruding belly anymore. This makes me quite self-conscious when going down escalators: "Hey look everyone, my belly!"
At present Dustin is up in the Andes for four days on a mission trip. If this baby decides to show up, the only way to get a hold of him would be to call the radio station up there and have them make an announcement that hopefully he'd hear or someone would tell him about. I must admit that it's really hard for me right now when he travels for days at a time. Mostly its just physical exhaustion in my eight-months along state; I live for naptime and bedtime when I can stretch out and doze. The other part is just downright emotional...I don't have my tag-team partner to lean on when Edison has peed on the floor...again and again, or Sophia cries about picking up her toys. It's hard to be a one-parent family; I can't imagine how single parents cope!
Thankfully, this is Dustin's last trip before the baby, so I've just got to get through this week without going nuts ; ).
Your Most Devoted, Sarah
Oh honey. I have been there and still am. I am praying for you. I have no incredible words for you. But I do think the Lord blessed us with nap and bed times:) You can do it. As I am learning my husbad isn't my lifeline, Jesus is. Learn to give everything including your lifeline to Him! Boy is it hard not to rely so much on your hubby/best friend. Trust me I'm not one to preach but that is something I am walking through right now. You can do it! I am Praying!!!!
Dearest Sarah, I just wanted you to know that I am sending up a petition before God's glorious throne of grace for you this morning and asking Him to sustain you( Psalm 5:3,"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."). In reading the Psalms this morning, this verse comes to my mind for you, "But you are a shield about me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head (Psalm 3:3)." I will ask God that in His mercy He will sustain you this week while Dustin is away and that He will put your heart at rest. I miss you friend and wish I could be there to help out! Blessings, Andrea
Yes! My dad and Dustin come home today. You can make it; you will make it. See you soon-
Wow! May I say you look spectacular for an eight month pregnant lady! Not like me, and my atrocious swollen face and cankles. Soon it will be over, take heart! You'll have a full blooded Chilean living in your house in no time! That makes me think... was Edison born in Chile? I can't remember. We're thinking and praying for you guys as always. Take care Sarah and let Dustin wait on you on little when he gets home!
you'll make it sarah
and remeber i am only a phone call away if you ever need help with the loons. i love them and you two!
and you look gorgeos...positively glowing :P
God bless you
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