I can imagine I'd be a fairly terrible pastor. I'd do okay maybe with methodical sermons, though I always have a knack for being fascinated by and passionate about things which, on the whole, are not those which fascinate or provoke passion in others. If I shot from the hip I'd likely alienate/offend half the congregation each Sunday morning. If the board wanted to build an addition I'd probably declare something impertinent about giving the money instead to world hunger relief.
So, anyways, my blog hasn't been as frequently updated as of late; there's a few reasons for this. One, I sometimes sink in the black hole which is called facebook. Wordtwist games and tantalizing voyeurism beckon in those free moments which used to find me forming profitable thoughts or simply shooting from the hip. Or napping. The other is that I am extraordinarily occupied by my three wonderful kids. I'm homeschooling Sophia and Edison, and Reuben is in training to be the world's fastest cabinet emptier.
Which brings me back to writing. There's so many things going on that I despair of writing out carefully composed blogs about them. And shooting from the hip on a continual basis gives me the odd sensation that I've forgotten how to communicate and am a mere barbarian barking out "ME FOUND DEAD BUFFALO. ME EAT IT. MEAT BAD. ME SICK NOW".
All said, I wish to convey that though the posts may be fewer and farrer between, don't despair, one of my two modes will bring the news from Chile and the life we love here.
Blessings, Sarah

1 comment:
Hey keep it real!
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