Hope, vision, hard work, and the right tools could make this old Austin Mini come alive again. But without those ingredients it can't go anywhere. Likewise, without your support we could not have worked here in Chile these past four years!! We would not have seen our neighbors come to Christ, nor the rowing youth studying the Bible, nor the people in the mountains find their Savior. But, because we had all those things, plus your prayers, the Kingdom advanced in new and amazing ways in our midst. God has done a great work, and we all got to play a role in it.
We just finished studying the book of Philippians with the rowing youth, and in the last chapter Paul thanks the church of Philipi for supplying for his needs, over and over. He wants to "credit them" for their generosity; you can almost feel his joy through his passionate words. I also want to credit you; how can I thank you enough for enabling us to work among the people of Chile? We have lacked nothing, we have been, as Paul put it, "amply supplied" by your giving.
This week I received a number of emails from our MST (Missionary Support Team) and our church's board indicating that the funds for our support are low. Everyone has been encouraging; they are committed to help us carry out our term, to find ways to raise funds. In the current economic situation, this is a more difficult task than it was before. We are, frankly speaking, a burden on our church's finances. It has been mentioned as well that though the completion of our term is not in question, future terms would be. Hmm.
What that means for us at the end of our term in the spring of 2011, I do not know. I trust that our Father will direct, comfort, and sustain us. Above all, I am filled with thanksgiving...like the word Ebenezer.."up to this point God has been faithful". I can look back over the last four years with a wide smile...so, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Please pray for us, for our church Landisville Mennonite, and for our mission board Eastern Mennonite Missions; that each would be amply supplied for the work of the Kingdom!
Your Most Devoted,
I'll be praying!
Great illustartion. Future terms are in His hands and always through His provision.
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