Tuesday, December 18, 2007


To My Most Amiable Readers....

I am locked-in my house so I figured I might as well update my blog. Yes, locked-in, well, in order not to be locked-out. Dustin left for a three day trip in the Andes and I discovered I don't have any keys. And I've got those handy doors that automatically lock when you shut them. And two happy-go-lucky-door-shutting kids. So....

Our digital camera died. On our roadtrip up north it up and froze on me, not even retreating the lens back into the camera body...just...capput. It was then that I realized how photo-dependent I'd become when it comes to blogging...I don't blog until I have a picture to tell the story.

In other news, it's summer here! The kids and I have been spending lots of time outside (when not locked-in), running through sprinklers, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and chatting with the neighbors. Today Sophia gave away one of her My Little Ponies to our neighbor's daughter. I almost stopped her (what? you can't just give your toys away?!), then realized that she's living out what we teach her; to share, to give even when it hurts, to give joyfully. I'm glad God dwells in her, and that He teaches me through her sometimes.

Edison is in the throes of potty-training, which means I'm in the throes of washing lots of soiled linens...ewwww. I know, I know...this too shall pass.

Reuben is learning how to smile : ). It starts in the eyes..they get all squinty and cheery and then the mouth starts to wiggle and all of a sudden...blissful smile. I absolutely eat it up.

Do you feel like you know me well? For some odd reason I've been having this inner dialogue where I interview myself: "What is your favorite place to be when it's raining?", self responds: "I would have to say....in a warm bath by candlelight, but with a window open so I can smell and hear the rain". "The oddest thing you like to snack on?", self responds: "water crackers smeared with cream cheese with a dollop of jam on top". "Where would you go at a moment's notice if you could?", self responds: "Italy, Egypt, Israel, Zimbabwe, Thailand, India, Brazil, The Caribbean, France, Croatia....was I supposed to only pick one?". Why am I doing this? Does anyone else have such inner madness going on?

Ok...."Should you go to bed now, before you start scaring your readers?"


Your Most Devoted,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We praise God for his leading, his protection and your obedience to follow his leading! Thank you God for keeping our precious girls safe! What a wonderful Christmas present! Michelle