Saturday, March 18, 2006

God's Protection

To my most amiable readers;
So I'm still getting the hang of this rowing's quite an art, and one not easily mastered. So Wednesday I got in my boat and was rowing along a line of docked yachts, I rowed past the last one and found myself in the direct path of a large fishing boat. If I rowed forward it would only take me three or four strokes to get out of his way. The thing is, rowing forward is very tricky and I'm terrible at it. If I tried that it's doubtful I would get out of the way in time. So I had to row backwards, putting myself even more in his path, but it was the only way to move quickly. The men on deck were laughing at me, obviously sensing my panicky, jerky movements. Clearing the boat I quickly (quick for me,not for an experienced rower) turned my boat parallel to theirs to take the waves headed at me. If you point in to the waves, the water leaps into your boat (the boats are only about four inches above water line). These were the biggest waves I had taken so I tried to remain calm and keep balance. Ahh...that's not quite. As I was still taking waves, I turned to see yet another boat heading my way! Away I went again, trying to make my shaky arms and legs work. By this time I was on the other side of the channel, frazzled, taking in the waves of the second boat. Wow...thanks God! I've decided I like rowing, I dislike water traffic. I felt like an amish buggy on a highway.
Your Devoted, Sarah


Anonymous said...

Sarah, remember, we want to keep our daughter-in-law, Dustin wants to keep his wife and my two grandbabies want to keep their mommy-so, please, please be careful! Wow, praise God for his watchfulness. Mom

Kristy said...

Hey rower!
I always read your "blogs",but I never write, so I thought I would today. I signed up to have may own blog, but I am not sure how to find it. Rowing sounds like hard, stinkin work! You must have huge Heman muscles now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the slow had a quick moment or two, thank the Lord! Glad you got out of the way. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
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