May 13, 2000
Was it really six years, two children, three countries ago?
So many adventures since then:
-flying ten feet above treeline up in Alaska, chasing bears in a fabric plane
-braving the wilds of Saskatchewan, basking in the Northern Lights in sub-zero weather while studying Hermeneutics, Philosophy, and Tim Horton's Donuts
-living in the ghetto, getting robbed, and learning parallel parking on a hill, with stick shift, at night in Lancaster City, Pennsylvania
-flying to Ireland, finding my 5Xgreat-grandfather's grave, and then driving all around the grand isle
-the birth of our dear Sophia Grace (insert inexpressible joy here)
-God's call for us to be missionaries in Chile
-living in San Jose, Costa Rica for five months studying Spanish, peering into volcanoes, surfing, windsurfing, snorkeling, teaching English, and romping through rain forests
-the birth of our precious son, Edison James (more of that aforementioned joy)
-arriving in Chile, our new home for three years, adapting to life here, learning the culture, loving the people, being loved and cared for by God in an intimate and tender way
I thank God for my husband, whose winning smile and fun-loving nature have always lifted my spirits. What a gift. What a blessing
You can't post stuff like that...we miss you too much as it is...sigh! amazing adventure...it makes me think there is only one piece of the puzzle missing...you guys moving to Hepburn Sk, to work with our church...All in good time..i know it will happen... :)
I can't believe that you have been married for 6 years!!! I will never forget your wedding at MWSB, when I got yellow pollen all over my face from smelling my bouquet! It really doesn't seem that long ago. I love coming here to read your blog, it is great to always know what is happening in your life.
The wilds of Saskatchewan...
I'm sure Tim Hortons was worth the minus forty temperature.
Wow Sarah, 6 YEARS!! It seems like just yesterday when we had that fun wedding day in Montana! A lot has happened since then! Your blog made me all emotional...Although I am practically always emotional these days of pregnancy. You made me especially excited to experience that inexpressible joy that only a mother can truly know. Happy anniversary and Happy Mothers day!!
Oops I forgot to sign my note...the pregnant one is me..Cindy
Happy 6 years you guys!!
Love and miss ya-
Sara and Dennis
hey I was waiting and waiting and waiting for the exact day to say this so HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Man alive!!!! 6 years...already... craziness...hope you have a good one..love you guys.
what can i say?
you look like an angel in your wedding picture.
go on like that anymore and i'll get insanely jealous!!
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